Reliability distributions

The Birnbaum-Saunders distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha and beta are shape parameters, Birnabaum and Saunders (1969). In the BUGS language it is used as

         x ~ dbs(alpha, beta)

Burr X

The Burr X distribution [example] is defined by the pdf

where alpha is a shape parameter and lambda is a scale parameter, Surles and Padgett (2005). In the BUGS language it is used as

         x ~ dburrX(alpha, lambda)

Burr XII

The Burr XII distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha and beta are shape parameters, Klugman et al. (2004). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dburrXII(alpha, beta)

Exponential Power
The Exponential power distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha is a shape parameter and lambda a scale parameter, Smith and Bain (1975). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dexp.power(alpha, lambda)

Exponentiated Weibull
The Exponentiated Weibul distribution [example] is defined by the pdf

where alpha and theta are shape parameters, Mudholkar and Srivastava (1993). In the BUGS language it is used as
         x ~ dexp.weib(alpha, theta)

Extended Exponential
The Extended Exponential distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha is a shape parameter and lambda is a tilt parameter, Marshall and Olkin (1997, 2007). In the BUGS language it is used as

         x ~ dext.exp(alpha, lambda)

Extended Weibull
The Extended Weibull distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha is a shape parameter and lambda is a tilt parameter, Marshall and Olkin (1997, 2007). In the BUGS language it is used as

         x ~ dext.weib(alpha, lambda)

Flexible Weibull
The Flexible Weibull distribution [example] is defined by the pdf

where alpha and beta are shape parameters, Bebbington et al. (2007). In the BUGS language it is used as

         x ~ dflex.weib(alpha, beta)

Generalized Exponential
The Generalized Exponential distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha is a shape parameter and lambda is a scale parameter, Gupta and Kundu (1999, 2001). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dgen.exp(alpha, lambda)

Generalized Power Weibull
The Generalized Power Weibull distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha and theta are shape parameters, Nikulin and Haghighi (2006). In the BUGS language it is used as
      x ~ dgp.weib(alpha, theta)

The Gompertz distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha and theta are shape parameters, Marshall and Olkin (2007). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dgpz(alpha, theta)

The Gumbel distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha is a location parameter and tau is a scale parameter, Marshall and Olkin (2007). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dgumbel(alpha, tau)

Inverse Gaussian
The Inverse Gaussian distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where mu is a location parameter and lambda is a scale parameter, Chhikara and Folks (1977). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dinv.gauss(mu, lambda)

Inverse Weibull
The Inverse Weibull distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where beta is a shape parameter and lambda is a scale parameter, Jiang and Murthy (2001). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dinv.weib(beta, lambda)

Linear Failure Rate
The Linear Failure Rate distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha and beta are shape parameters. Bain (1974). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~, beta)

Logistic Exponential
The Logistic Exponential distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha is a shape parameter and lambda is a scale parameter, Lan and Leemis (2008). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dlogistic.exp(alpha, lambda)

The Log-Logistic distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where beta is a shape parameter and theta is a scale parameter, Lawless (2003). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dlog.logis(beta, theta)

The Log-Weibull distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where mu is a location parameter and sigma is a scale parameter, Murthy et al. (2004). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dlog.weib(mu, sigma)

Modified Weibull
The Modified Weibull distribution [example] is defined by the pdf


where alpha and beta are shape parameters and lambda is a scale parameter, Lai et al..(2003). In the BUGS language it is used as

      x ~ dweib.modified(alpha, beta, lambda)