Scripts and batch-mode

As an alternative to the menu / dialog box interface, scripting commands has been created that can (a) automate routine analyses, (b) create reproducible analyses, and (c) produce batch execution for simulation studies, etc. The scripting commands work in effect by writing values into fields and clicking on buttons in relevant dialog boxes. It is possible to combine use of scripting with the menu / dialog box interface.

The scripting commands are very similar to those in the R interface to BUGS called BRugs. Their syntax differs from the scripting commands in WinBUGS 1.4.x, although there are corresponding WinBUGS/BUGS script commands for most tasks.

To make use of the scripting commands, a minimum of three files are required: a file containing the script commands, a file containing the BUGS language representation of the model; and a file (or several) containing the data. If initial values are supplied (recommended) rather than generated by BUGS, an additional file is required for each chain.

On all operating systems, directory names are separated by a forward slash (/). A backslash (\) is also allowed with Windows. Quoted input can be created using either single (') or double (") quotation marks, but the quotation mark types must match. The modelSetWD and modelGetWD script commands (see Script commands for details) can be used so that full path names are not required for all file names.

Executing scripts from the GUI
A set of script commands can be executed from the GUI by selecting the window that contains them, and then selecting Script from the Model menu. All commands in the window are executed, unless some commands are highlighted, in which case only the highlighted commands are executed (a partially highlighted command will produce an error). The contents of a window with script commands does not have to be saved before it is executed. Input files may be in either native BUGS format (.odc) or text format, in which case it must have a .txt extension.

After execution of script commands, GUI menu selections can be used to view changed settings. If a dialog box was already open when a script was executed, it may need to be closed and re-opened to ensure that its contents are refreshed. Execution of script and GUI commands can be mixed, allowing automation of tasks such as summary setting for models with numerous parameters.

Batch-mode on Windows
MultiBUGS can execute a file of script commands in Batch-mode from a programming shell using the following syntax:

"FULLPATH/MultiBUGS.exe" /PAR "FULLPATH/ScriptName.txt"

It is important to add modelQuit('yes') at the end of the script file so BUGS will stop execution and return control to the initiating shell when the script commands are complete. It is also important to include a modelDisplay('log') at the beginning of the script file, and modelSaveLog('filename.odc') before modelQuit as this is the only way to capture tabular and graphical output in batch-mode. (If there is no graphical output, the log file can be of type '.txt'.).

The /HEADLESS option causes BUGS to run without displaying any output. Removing /HEADLESS will cause the usual GUI windows to appear during execution. If /HEADLESS is removed and the modelQuit command is omitted, the user can interact with the BUGS program before returning control to the programming shell. Using modelQuit() without 'yes' will also cause BUGS to display a dialog box for user input before exiting.

Input files (including the script) may be in either native BUGS format (.odc) or text format. Text format requires a .txt extension.

Batch-mode on Linux
BUGS can be executed from the Linux OS on Intel-based machines in a native format that yields results that exactly agree with those from the Windows OS on the same hardware.
A bash shell script called BUGS is included in the standard Linux distribution in the /bin sub-directory. Once this directory is added to a user's path, the BUGS command behaves like a standard Linux program. Typing BUGS without inputs starts the program in interactive mode with screen I/O. To exit the program type "modelQuit()". To execute a script file, script.txt, in batch mode with output to file log.txt:

FULLPATH/run-MultiBUGS /PAR "FULLPATH/ScriptName.txt"

The paths for input and output files within a script file, such as the model code or coda output, is assumed to be the current working directory unless the paths are fully specified. The script command modelSetWD("/path/to/dir") can be specified to reset the working directory to /path/to/dir.

Script commands
Script commands and a brief synopsis of their menu/dialog box equivalent are supplied below. The script command and corresponding menu name are in bold. The menu names are followed by their associated menu options or dialog box and potential user inputs. You can find detailed descriptions of the menu/dialog box options in the corresponding Manual entries for the Model menu, Inference menu, Info menu and File menu.

Script commands have two input types: character strings and integers. If a string argument contains non-alpha-numeric characters (including space but excluding the period) the string must be enclosed in quotes - either single quotes (') or double quotes (") can be uded. Arguments that are required to be supplied by the user are shown in blue text; optional arguments are displayed in plain text. Optional arguments will be set to default values if they are omitted.

If the menu/dialog box equivalent of the specified script command would normally be grayed out because of inappropriate timing, for example, then the script command will not execute and an error message will be produced instead.

The translations between commands in the script language and the underlying Component Pascal procedures implementing them in BUGS are in the file Bugs/Mod/Script.odc in the BUGS program directory. Explanations of the commands and their inputs are in the documentation for the menu items.

   Script command      Menu/dialog box equivalent

Setting up a model

   modelSetWD(string)      None
   - string = Full default path for file name input

   modelCheck(string)      Model > Specification... > check model
   - string = (full path to) Model file
   modelData(string)      Model > Specification... > load data
   - string = (full path to) Data file
   modelCompile(int)      Model > Specification... > compile
   - int = number of chains
   modelInits(string, int)      Model > Specification... > load inits
   - int = for chain (default=1)
   The initial values for each chain must be in separate files.
   modelGenInits(string)      Model > Specification... > gen inits
   - string = "T" or "F" for whether to fix founders
   modelDistribute(int)      Model > Specification... > distribute
   - int = number of workers per chain

Updating a model

   modelUpdate(int0, int1, int2, string)      Model > Update... > update
   - int0 = updates
   - int1 = thin. Thinning in this way will discard the samples (c.f. the samplesThin() command)
   - int2 = frequency of refreshing the display in the Windows interface
   - string = "T" or "F" for over relax

Other model menu commands

   modelSaveState(string)      Model > Save State
   - string = fileStem
   Note that the string must be specified for Linux execution.
   modelGetRN()      Model > RN generator...
   Returns the starting (preset) state of the random number generator
   modelSetRN(int)      Model > RN generator...
   - int = Set the starting (preset) state of the random number generator. This must be an
   integer from 1 to 14 inclusive.
   modelDisplay(string)      Model > Input/Output options...
   - string = 'window' or 'log'
   modelPrecision(int)      Model > Input/Output options...
   - int = number of significant digits for output
   modelDisable(string)      Model > Updater options...
   - string = name of updater to disable
   modelEnable(string)      Model > Updater options...
   - string = name of updater to enable
   modelSetAP(string, int)      Model > Updater options...
   - string = name of sampler
   - int = number of iterations in the adaptive phase
   modelSetIts(string, int)      Model > Updater options...
   - string = name of sampler
   - int = number of iterations
   modelSetOR(string, int)      Model > Updater options...
   - string = name of sampler
   - int = number of samples to generate for over-relaxed MCMC
   modelExternalize(string)      Model > Externalize
   - string = file name, including the extension. The extension is conventionally ".bug" for externalized BUGS models.
   modelInternalize(string)      Model > Internalize
   - string = file name, including extension.

   modelQuit(string)      File > Exit
   - string = 'y' or 'yes' to quick without a dialog box opening before exiting
   If string is omitted, a dialog box appears before exit.
   *modelSaveLog(string)      File > Save As... > Save
   - string = file name
   If the file ends with ".txt" the log window is saved to a text file (with all graphics, fonts, etc., stripped out).
Using sample monitors

   samplesSet(string)      Inference > Samples... > set
   - string = node to set
   samplesClear(string)      Inference > Samples... > clear
   - string = node to clear
   samplesBeg(int)      Inference > Samples...
   - int = beginning update to define subset of the stored sample for analysis
   samplesEnd(int)      Inference > Samples...
   - int = ending update to define subset of the stored sample for analysis
   samplesFirstChain(int)      Inference > Samples...
   - int = select beginning of range of chains which contribute to statistics being calculated
   samplesLastChain(int)      Inference > Samples...
   - int = select end of range of chains which contribute to statistics being calculated
   samplesThin(int)      Inference > Samples...
   - int = thin. Every intth sample is used for inference. Does not impact storage
   samplesStats(string)      Inference > Samples... > stats
   - string = node for which to calculate sample statistics. Can use '*' for all set nodes.
   *samplesDensity(string)      Inference > Samples... > density
   - string = node for which to generate density plot. Can use '*' for all set nodes.
   *samplesAutoC(string)      Inference > Samples... > auto cor
   - string = node for which to generate autocorrelation plot. Can use '*' for all set nodes.
   *samplesTrace(string)      Inference > Samples... > trace
   - string = node for which to generate trace plot. Can use '*' for all set nodes.
   *samplesHistory(string)      Inference > Samples... > history
   - string = node for which to generate history plot. Can use '*' for all set nodes.
   *samplesQuantiles(string)      Inference > Samples... > quantiles
   - string = node for which to generate quantiles plot. Can use '*' for all set nodes.
   *samplesBgr(string)      Inference > Samples... > bgr
   - string = node for which to generate Brooks-Gelman-Rubin diagnostics.
   Can use '*' for all set nodes.
   samplesCoda(string0, string1)      Inference > Samples... > code
   - string0 = node for which to generate CODA output. Can use '*' for all set nodes.
   - string1 = 'fileStem'

Using summary monitors

   summarySet(string)      Inference > Summary... > set
   - string = node for which to calculate running mean, standard deviation and quantiles
   summaryStats(string)      Inference > Summary... > stats
   - string = node for which to display approximate running summary statistics
   summaryMean(string)      Inference > Summary... > mean
   - string = node for which to display running mean in comma delimited form
   summaryClear(string)      Inference > Summary... > clear
   - string = node to remove the running summary statistics

Using rank monitors

   ranksSet(string)      Inference > Rank... > set
   - string = node to be ranked (must be an array)
   ranksStats(string)      Inference > Rank.... > stats
   - string = node for which to summarize the simulated ranks of the components
   *ranksHistogram(string)      Inference > Rank... > histogram
   - string = node for which to display a histogram of the simulated ranks of the components
   ranksClear(string)      Inference > Rank... > clear
   - string = node for which to clear the running summary

Using DIC monitors

   dicSet()      Inference > DIC... > set
   Start calculating DIC and related statistics
   dicClear()      Inference > DIC... > clear
   Clear DIC calculations from memory
   dicStats()      Inference > DIC... > stats
   Display DIC, Dbar, Dhat, and pD
Info menu commands

   infoNodeValue(string)      Info > Node info... > values
   - string = node for which to display the current value(s)
   infoNodeMethods(string)      Info > Node info... > methods
   - string = node for which you want to see the type of updater used to sample from
   infoNodeTypes(string)      Info > Node info... > types
   - string = node for which you want to see the node type
   infoMemory()      Info > Memory
   Show the amount of memory allocated
   *infoUnitializedUpdaters()      Info > Uninitialized Nodes
   Shows nodes in the compiled model that have not been initialized yet.
   infoUpdatersByName()      Info > Updaters(by name)
   List the nodes with their associated updater algorithm in alphabetical order .
   infoUpdatersByDepth()      Info > Updaters(by depth)
   List the nodes with their associated updater algorithm in the reverse topological order to
   which they occur in the graphical model.

   infoModules()      Info > Modules
   Displays all the modules (dynamic link libraries) in use.
   Displays the version of BUGS

Example script
The script code below shows the steps you might use to reproduce the Rats example. To execute, highlight the entire script (or one line at a time) and select Model > Script.

# Check model syntax
modelCheck('C:/Program Files/BUGS/Examples/Ratsmodel.txt')

# Load data
modelData('C:/Program Files/BUGS/Examples/Ratsdata.txt')

# Compile with one chain

# Load inital values for first chain
modelInits('C:/Program Files/BUGS/Examples/Ratsinits.txt',1)

# Start with 1000 update burn-in

# Set nodes of interest

# Follow by a further 10,000 updates

# Look at sample statistics